TTP to show “lamp post” small cell design at MWC

TTP has designed an LTE small cell specifically for lamp posts.

TTP lamp post small cel

TTP’s design for a lamp post small cell


The Technology Partnership (TTP), the technology company based in Cambridge, UK, has developed an LTE small cell specifically designed for attaching to lamp posts (or light poles, if you prefer your terminology with a US flavour/flavor).

The small units are built using LTE small cell software from ip.access, on a Freescale BSC9131 QorIQ Qonverge processor. They are designed to be simply fitted into a lamp post’s standard photocell socket, providing quick installation without modification to the lighting column or power supply. The idea is to simplify installation, and also ease the planning consent process.

The radio is designed to establish 50 meter cells supporting up to 32 active users at downlink rates of up to 100 Mbps, and has a Gigabit interface for S1/X2 and Power Over Ethernet out. TTP sees the cell linking over Ethernet to a wireless backhaul unit mounted lower down the pole.LTE lamp post small cell TTP

The new units will be on display on the Freescale stand at Mobile World Congress. TTP’s aim is to attract interest from OEMs looking for a quick way to add street level small cells to their portfolio.