Yurganov will share his views on the technical and commercial aspects of Yota’s business and how an operator can differentiate its model by taking the lead in the latest technologies.
He will focus on Yota’s practical experiences in testing and deploying new features in a commercial LTE network, and how these will impact on the cellco’s key differentiator, quality of experience.
Topics will include new LTE capabilities such as HetNet, LTE-Advanced and eMBMS. In focusing on quality of service, important areas will include video optimization, congestion management and voice over LTE.
These insights will be complemented by key findings from Maravedis-Rethink’s MOSA (Mobile Operator Strategy Analysis) team. The service tracks the top 100 4G operator’s wireless infrastructure strategies. In the webinar, Research Director Caroline Gabriel will share selected highlights of the June Quarterly Report, which will include exclusive data in areas such as LTE-Advanced deployments and HetNet roll-outs worldwide.
Other topics to discuss will include:
– Carrier investment plans to 2018, including small cells, distributed RAN and backhaul
– The new core and backhaul architectures for mobile broadband
– Key developments in LTE spectrum