Call for submissions to next two issues of TMN Quarterly

Get involved in Threat Level and the Next Level: the next TWO issues of TMN Quarterly.

We’ve had great reaction to the first three issues of TMN Quarterly and would like to share our plans for the next TWO issues.

We have developed two strong themes that are timely, topical and expand on our mission of making sense of the world’s mobile networks.

Please do get involved – see below for links to synopsis of all our features, what information we need and how you can get involved.

We think we’ve created the potential for two exciting issues here, and look forward to working with you to deliver two excellent reads.

Issue four: The THREAT LEVEL edition
Issue four will look at how mobile networks respond to and defend themselves against adversity – what technology can secure networks, how are operators leaving themselves open to threat, how can technology help when disaster and emergencies strike. We’re calling it the Threat Level issue.

TMN Quarterly, Issue 4 will be published in December 2013. For information on issue 4 features and how you can contribute click here.

Issue five – The NEXT LEVEL NETWORK edition
The Theme of Mobile World Congress 2014 is Creating What’s Next and, to accord with that, Issue Five of TMN Quarterly (to be distributed at MWC 2014) will look at the Next Level Network.

Our features will explore in a systematic way what the next level network will look like, what operator requirements are, what technologies will drive it.

TMN Quarterly, Issue 5 will be published in February 2014. For information on Issue 5 features, deadlines and how you can contribute click here.

Of course, both issues will contain our regular sections as well: From Our Correspondents, Anatomy of an Operator, Country profile, as well as updates on our Mapping The Mobile Network project.