TMN Quarterly Issue 10 – The Society Issue: editorial outline

Making sense of mobile's surprisingly silent industrial revolution.

Issue 10 of The Mobile Network Quarterly will look at the impact of mobile network technology on society.

Through a series of features we will look at the ways in which mobile network technology has changed how we live, work and play. The aim is to understand how mobile network technologies themselves have affected society.

Built environment:
This looks at the physical impact of mobile network infrastructure on our landscapes and cityscapes. The rollout of mobile networks has transformed landscapes in just 30 years. Should we, do we now, design buildings and architecture with mobile in mind? What technologies can enable this? Are we at risk of losing existing mobile infrastructure, should we consider it heritage to be preserved?

How have working lives changed as a result of mobile network technology? How might they change even further? We consider the journey from the days of PBX replacement, mobile VPNs, mobile apps, etc down to a vision of highly localised services enabled by increasingly sophisticated in-building coverage solutions. Which jobs have changed the most from 2G, 3G, 4G, to 5G? Should we even fear 5G as a harbinger of the “end of jobs” – enabling remote near-instant automation and robotics?

The impact on social and family life. How has your life changed since the advent of mobile technology? Perhaps you’ve only ever known a mobile world. In any event, are you aware of how exactly how mobile network technology has impacted on your life?  Can we map 2G, 3G, 4G and then 5G technology itself to societal change?

This feature looks at how mobile technology might underpin a transformation in enabling better accessibility to services and facilities for people with disabilities. What is the story to date, and what might be possible in the near future? What sorts of applications and services are possible, and what is required of the networks themselves?


When Cisco brings its CEO to MWC and makes network and subscriber usage analytics its key play, you know that the time has arrived for network data analytics.

Orchestration: the battle for “Open”
How will the orchestrator orchestrate – can it be the engine of openness in the network, or a potential choke point? If everyone has an orchestrator, how do we know which is best fit for the open network?

 Anatomy of an operator: China Mobile

Country Profile: Finland