Small Cell Forum announced a change of focus in June 2015. Since then the Forum has been working to evolve a clearly defined, rigorous work program in order to drive the wide-scale adoption of small cells but also to accelerate the delivery of integrated HetNets.
Date: Thursday 20 August 2015 | Time: 3pm GMT +1
As Small Cells Champions from across the world plan to gather in Rome for Small Cell Forum’s long awaited open day, SCF Chair Alan Law will discuss the core issues facing the industry. Caroline Gabriel (Rethink) will host the webinar and be responsible for probing how Small Cell Forum is driving the industry in the following topics.
Virtualization & Centralization
Why is virtualization important for network densification and small cells?
What is the Small Cell Forum doing to make virtualization in Small Cells ‘real’?
License Exempt Spectrum
How can licensed spectrum be utilized more effectively with Small Cell?
What are the challenges facing the industry around Small Cells and license exempt?
HetNet & SON
The SCF have been working on SON and HetNet for a while now. What are new key gaps that you are addressing?
Multi-operator deployment scenarios
Multi-operator covers a vast number of scenarios, what is the focus of the new work?
Small cells in the Enterprise
Recent market surveys have shown a great increase in Enterprise interest and deployments. What is the forum doing to make the market more successful?
5G, M2M and IoT
What is the relationship between Small Cells and M2M/Internet of Things and how will the Small Cell Forum be aiding the industry in this area?
What is the Forum’s role with 5G?