Innovation in indoor wireless

The enterprise and indoor wireless market is stuck in second gear, with a lack of innovation in the space, says Parallel Wireless.

“The indoor market is stuck in second gear because the solutions are not innovative enough and the incentive for other vendors are not there. If vendors have a high margin outdoor solution they don’t have the incentives to provide a very low cost indoor solution,”  says Rajesh Mishra, CTO and Founder, Parallel Wireless.

What is required is a multi band, multi technology solution that is as cheap to deploy and operate as WiFi, allied to new neutral host and multi-operator business models, says Mishra. Parallel Wireless, which is producing small cells in a range of form factors, says it is leading innovation in this sector.

At Mobile World Congress 2017, Parallel Wireless was demonstrating a DAS solution integrating with its HetNet Gateway architecture, plus a four band demo with Vodafone.

More on Parallel Wireless’ indoor solutions.


* This content is sponsored by Parallel Wireless, in association with The Mobile Network.