EVENT: 5G Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications Conference

URLLC has been organised at the request of network operators looking to engage with vertical markets that will benefit from, and can influence, the design and implementation of 5G networks and services for which high reliability and low latency are critical factors.

Event Date: 5-6th September 2018 London, UK

At a time when mobile networks must meet the new demands of human-human, human-machine and machine-machine communication and vertical industries go through key technological transformations, transmission reliability is critical for safety in many up and coming verticals including Health, Automotive, Industrial, Energy and Entertainment. Equally, low latency is crucial to ensure applications are usable and interactive whether human-to-human, human-to-machine or machine-to-machine communication. There are significant design, standardisation, cost implication and engineering challenges to deliver a network that is both reliable and low latency.

The purpose of the 5G URLLC conference is to open the dialogue between vertical industries, mobile network operators and solution providers in order to give practical insights into what are essential and also realistic reliability and latency parameters for the various verticals and then explore the means by which these can be delivered across part or all of the wireless network infrastructure and with what cost and engineering premium.

For further information please visit the event website