At Huawei’s Mobile Broadband Forum, taking place this week in London, Three and Huawei have a multi-site C-Band (3.4GHz) and mmWave (28GHz) 5G demo set up.

Through a glass darkly – one of the test 5G sites near London’s Excel centre.
The demo has three C-Band sites, one of which is colocated with a mmWave antenna. Sites appear to be spaced low hundreds of metres apart. A bus tours slowly up and down, handing over between sites, with the LTE anchor providing the control in NSA mode.
Rooftop antennas on the bus connect internally to on-board test UEs.

The bus with its 5G antennas.
The demo is using 800MHz continuous spectrum (4x200MHz carriers) at mmWave and 100Mhz carrier at C-Band, over two sectors. 64T64R antenna on the C-Band, 4T4R mmWave site antenna. The test UEs are 4T8R on the C-Band, 2T4R on the mmWave.
Throughputs: This video of the on-board livestream shows 3-4 Gbps on the mmWave connection and over 1Gbps to the onboard C-Band UE.