Hosted, programmed and operated by Small Cell Forum, the conference will provide information and encourage debate about the commercial opportunities, technologies and business models that will drive investment in and delivery of connectivity infrastructure in the 5G era.
The event is the ‘One-Stop-Shop’ for all things small cells, Wi-Fi, DAS and IoT as the technologies enabling network densification, coverage and capacity.
Hot topics during the event include: disaggregated architectures (RAN, virtualisation, open source, SCF’s 5G FAPI spec); indoor coverage, neutral hosts, 5G era small cell planning (mmWave, beam-forming, Machine Learning), smart cities and legislation, IoT and critical comms and spectrum for 5G era applications.
The event also plays host to the SCF Small Cells Awards, a glittering gala dinner and presentation evening on 21 May, 7pm.
Date: 21st & 22nd May 2019
Organiser: Small Cell Forum
Twitter: @SmallCells2019
Venue: Novotel London West, Shortlands, London. W6 8DR.