Small Cells World Summit will return to London on 11-12 May, 2021, bringing together members of the diversifying market for mobile connectivity including; operators, neutral hosts, private network operators, systems integrators and enterprises.
Small Cells World is now organised and run entirely by Small Cell Forum. The event is built of eight sessions, each reflecting SCF’s purpose of making mobile infrastructure an accessible resource for industry, enterprise and communities. Topics will include neutral hosts and private networks, Open RAN, small cell products and components, automation and AI, and edge computing.
However the agenda is still evolving and any companies wishing to get involved, either to exhibit, speak, or sponsor the event, should get in touch via the website
The SCF Small Cell Awards gala dinner, where a panel of independent judges will reveal the 2021 award winners, will be held on the Tuesday evening.
TMN Small Cells Market Update 2020 – In association with SCF and Small Cells World Summit
Small Cells World Summit 2020 was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid-19, leaving a void this year for the small cell eco-system to discuss and debate key industry topics. In the light of this, Small Cell Forum and TMN have got together to bring to you Small Cells Market Update 2020, a unique magazine publication coming out this September that covers many of the topics that would have been discussed during SCWS 2020. It will also include exclusive market data from SCF’s latest 5G small cell product definition survey, and operator interviews, as well as plenty of in-depth editorial on issues that matter to the wider small cell eco-system.
To find out how to get involved or for advertising options in this key publication view fuller information here.