The Future Telco – a new series from TMN and Rakuten Symphony
TMN editor Keith Dyer introduces a major new Series - The Future Telco - that …
View TMN Quarterly issue 39
Ericsson launches Compact Packet Core in shadow of high profile outage
Ericsson launches packaged solution to ease cloud migration for core customers…
SUSE claims Sylva medal – says only vendor aligned with operators’…
SUSE reckons itself the only provider currently aligned with the open source t…
SUSE scores with Orange Telco Cloud to boost open source Sylva cloud strategy
Orange has used cloud management software from SUSE in its experimental networ…
How the UK’s JOINER platform could bring a new phase of future network r…
6G Research in the UK is being underpinned by a new shared network platform - …
Get on with it, says Telus man on Open RAN
Telus will only deploy O-RAN from now on, convinced of its feature parity and …
How the (AI)PI could change telco BSS like magic
How Totogi’s BSS Magic is creating the (AI)PI to give power back to the telc…