TMN is publishing an Open RAN Market Report in October 2024, with a focus on the development and adoption of the RIC and SMO within the Open RAN context.
The Report will interview leading MNOs, partners and players in the ecosystem to answer the following questions:
- Will 2024 prove to have been a year that advances Open RAN?
- What is the health of the Open RAN ecosystem, as seen by operators?
- What is the direction of travel in SMO and the RIC
- What RIC use cases are proving of interest to operators?
We will track evidence of rApps and xApps deployment and adoption, as well as operator pilots and trials.
We are also delighted to announce that we are producing this independent report with the headline sponsorship of Ericsson.
Topics include:
Drivers: What are operator motivations for investing in SMO and RIC platforms?
- To further automation transformation, evolution and adoption
- Achieving greater openness in the RAN
- Competitive differentiation via network efficiency
- Addressing new enterprise and business case opportunities
Other topics to consider
- How operators view the need for interoperability between rApps and SMO
- The bond between the RAN provider and the RIC/ SMO platforms
- rApps business models: such as as-a-Service
- Operator appettie for rApp co-development
- Acheiving greater operational simplicity
- The perceived need for cross-domain SMO
- SON evolution
To contribute news, opinion or information to the Report, or to partner with TMN on the report as a sponsor, please contact Report Editor Keith Dyer or Commercial Director Shahid Ramzan.