Who will integrate open, disaggregated networks?
A systems integrator, the operator, a blend of the two? At FYUZ, service provi…
Telefonica takes next step with Open RAN plan
Telefonica's UK entity moves to field stage of Open RAN plan, first of 800 in …
Parallel lives, but for how long?
Radio Access
Parallel Wireless makes big cuts as it fails to make the step up within operat…
Counting the numbers in Rakuten’s mobile radio network
Here's the number of radio-antenna units from different suppliers that Rakuten…
Orange’s network year
Open RAN, AI, but not so much cloud - how 2021 went down for Orange's mobile …
BT the Open RAN hipster
BT was into Open RAN before it went commercial. Now it wants to see the techno…
Nokia delivers critical network update
Nokia puts focus on requirement for critical networks, disaggregated architect…
The Open RAN revolution will not be atomised
The revolution will not be brought to you by Xilinx in four parts, without com…