How does the VP of labs at a company that depends on the commercialisation of its R&D view the process of innovation, and how does that dovetail with introducing new technologies into operator networks?
Head of Labs at InterDigital Bob DiFazio says the company takes a near, mid and long term view of innovation – and gives examples of technology innovation the company is introducing into telco testbeds.
DiFazio says the company is bringing technology such mmWave backhaul with a software defined mesh implementation into operator test programmes, and highlights other new network technology innovations such as Information Centric Networking.
Bob DiFazio is also featured in Part I of our Telco Innovation issue, talking more about InterDigital and telco innovation processes. You can read that article here.
The article is part of an ongoing investigation into Telco Innovation that TMN is undertaking, with the support of InterDigital. The report features interviews with leading operators about their innovation strategies, and you can read Part I and Part II of those reports now.